The Elevated Table Dinner Club

Cannabis Pairing Dinner:

Discover the art of pairing gourmet cuisine with premium cannabis strains in our Cannabis Pairing Dinner. Similar to a wine-paired dinner, each course is thoughtfully paired with a specific cannabis strain that complements the flavors and textures of the dish. Our cannabis sommeliers work alongside chefs to curate pairings that enhance both the culinary and sensory experience. With each bite and each inhalation or taste, you’ll experience a harmonious blend of flavors, aromas, and sensations that create a unique dining journey. This dinner is ideal for those who appreciate the finer details of cannabis and cuisine, offering an upscale and immersive experience.

Cannabis Infused Dinner:

Indulge in a culinary experience like no other with our Infused Dinner. Each course is delicately infused with cannabis, crafted by expert chefs to balance flavor, potency, and precision. From appetizers to desserts, the infusion process is carefully controlled to provide a subtle yet enhancing effect. Whether you’re a seasoned cannabis enthusiast or new to the experience, our infused dinners offer a range of dosing options from a micro-dose or to the stars. Perfect for private gatherings or intimate celebrations, this dining experience offers more than just a meal—it’s an exploration of taste, and creativity.